The role of automation in security systems design and delivery

Every year we are offered a slew of new “tech” and “trends” set to “revolutionize” the security industry.

But I’ve found the security industry to be incredibly slow to adopt and take advantage of new technologies, many never making it past a “cool idea”, a proof of concept or simply words and articles filling column inches to make a point that the industry has its finger on the pulse, but why is this?

Human imperfection - Saving us from the machines

Doesn't sound much like the introduction to The Terminator, The Matrix or any other sci-fi dystopia, but listen to Elon Musk or the late Stephen Hawking discuss "the singularity" and it seems like these low-level activities would be a precursor to more dangerous and broader leaps that will eventually lead to technological servitude.

TwinWorld - simulation theory

In the most "Black Mirror" version of this scenario, the state could create partnerships with all tracking technologies, make it a requirement of trading in the country and connect all systems into an aggregator that would provide everything required for "TwinWorld".