Giving thanks - for all those who shape our lives

Giving thanks - for all those who shape our lives

America celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend, with families meeting [virtually or otherwise] and acknowledging what they are thankful for this [particularly challenging] year. While we in the UK do not celebrate the American tradition, we do have similar gatherings during the festive season where we join together to give gifts and to celebrate with those closest to us.

So while we are set for the least orthodox version of Christmas in living memory, I thought I would start the season by giving thanks for all those who have helped shape my life. It's something that was suggested to me by a friend some time ago; He had sought out his favourite lecturer some years since his degree to thank him for his support only to find out he had sadly passed away.

It's a small gesture but something that has a very positive impact on those receiving it, and in uncertain times it's not necessarily something we will be able to do indefinitely. So I want propose giving thanks to groups that will have had an impact on every day life. I don’t want to name specific people and I know this is a departure from my normal style but please indulge me, it’s not been a very normal year!



Family first. I am thankful for all of my family, for having such a loving and supportive home environment where I was able to pursue my own interests and be supported in everything I wanted to do. I am thankful for my immediate and extended family, for influencing my decisions and priorities and for always being there.


I am thankful for all of my friends, for those I am closest to, who are more family than acquaintance and for those with whom I am not in regular contact. I have many reasons to be thankful for the impact they have had on my life. I have even established more regular contact with friends far away as lockdown measures have meant more time at home, which has been particularly positive for me.



In my academic and professional life I have had several mentors, those who were challenging and whose influence I did not understand until many years later, and those who have simply been supportive. There are even mentors who I do not know personally but whose journeys or achievements have motivated me to strive for more.



Finally, I am thankful for all those strangers I have encountered. Especially in a year where we have been reliant on those putting themselves in harms way to ensure we can all carry on; from supermarket workers, healthcare staff, refuse collectors and those operating public transport, they have all earned our praise and gratitude and I am thankful that these individuals have kept our country going.


And thank you, for reading!

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